Tesha beAv is coming...
Here i am, peeling potatoes for the after-fast meal...lasagne are cooking in the oven, i still have to prepare the soup, our last meal before the beginning of Tesha beAv, one of the major Jewish fast days, remembrance of the destruction of the Temple...
...and i am trying to think about its meaning: what is it to me, how does Tesha beAve touch my life?
In Judaism, every Holiday or day of note has a general meaning and a private meaning, something that has to do with our personas.
So Tesha beAv made me think that sometimes lack of communication, or personal issues get on the way and don't let us do our job, being lamplighters, first of all in our own life, and then with other Jews and non Jews.
So my with is that we can break our boundaries and be able to to avoda besimcha, and may this team work bring the ultimate redemption and the Third Temple!
...and i am trying to think about its meaning: what is it to me, how does Tesha beAve touch my life?
In Judaism, every Holiday or day of note has a general meaning and a private meaning, something that has to do with our personas.
So Tesha beAv made me think that sometimes lack of communication, or personal issues get on the way and don't let us do our job, being lamplighters, first of all in our own life, and then with other Jews and non Jews.
So my with is that we can break our boundaries and be able to to avoda besimcha, and may this team work bring the ultimate redemption and the Third Temple!
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