Why is romantic Love so out of fashion?

I have been thinking about it for a few days already, in a way it's a spin off from the Julia Child post...why is it that almost nobody believes in romantic love these days?
Unfortunately there are dysfunctional marriages, betrayals, and all kinds of sad stories, we read about them every day, but why is it so rare to read about a happy love story? Maybe bad news are more populars, just like in Economy or in Politics...but i think that we should give at least as much importance to the stories with a happy end...
While i was thinking about this ordeal, i got to a point where i started to doubt the existence of romantic love, i thought "maybe it's just a bubble i am living in, it doesn't really exist, it's my illusion that comes from to much Jane Austen in my teen age years..."
So i asked Alec if he thinks that it's so strange that two people really love each other in a romantic way, that a man and a woman feel attracted, feel like the are not completed without the other half, that the room looks empty when their love is not there...
Alec reassured me because he confirmed that he, too, feels natural for a couple to be romantic, to desire each other's company, etc.
Thank you, Alec, i don't feel crazy anymore!
And now, all of you can tell me that i am wrong, i don't care! I know it's true and real! And long live to Jane Austen's books :)


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