Should i stay or should i go?

So i made no mystery that our financial situation is...collapsing.
We are trying our best to create new projects and think of new ideas to make some money, but so far we had no significant results...
We are in contact with the local Rabbi, he said that he wants to start a kindergarten and a kosher kitchen for the Community, but nothing concrete and tangible yet...
So Alec and I are looking also in other options, like moving to some other place...but my question is: what can i do? What would i be useful for? How would i feel accomplished? And, last but not least: how would we make a parnassa?
And that's where i felt i bit like a looser, because even though i graduated from University Summa cum Laude, i used to sing professionally, i draw, i cook, etc, i can't see any of this as a useful keli for our future...
Alec says that i have no bitachon, i know it, but i am tired of struggling!
Anyway, if you have any idea of what a funky Chabad couple could do and where, any suggestions are welcome!
I write funky because we are not your usual Chabad couple, and we are not "office" that makes things a bit more complicated...but we believe in our lifestyle, so these are things we are not ready to compromise on :)


  1. Hey, I didn't say you have no bitachon!!! I said that now is the time to have some!!!


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