Snowstorm in Cleveland!

The weather forecast warned us about today's snowstorm, but this morning when i woke up i saw no snow, just some wind and colder temperature...
I needed to go shopping anyway, so i browsed through my coupons and prepared for a trip to Giant Eagle, to stock up just in case...
I think that it was one of the wisest things i have done recently! When i pushed out of the store the super full shopping cart, i was welcomed by a freezing cold air, and snow like flour was starting to fall, covering immediately the parking lot with a white layer...
We arrived home safely, but we couldn't wait to have a warm cup of hot chocolate with whip cream, and after that i ventured outside our entrance door to take this picture of the scene right outside our house...right now the visibility is 10%, and the snow is not planning to stop any time soon...thank G-d for a house where to sleep (i found myself feeling bad for the deer in the snow), and for warm food...

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