Arts & Crafts in da house...

Wednesday night will be the first day of Channuka, so we are in high gear to prepare the house: this morning me and the kids hung silicon Aleph Beth letters on the window, and everybody helped, i even gave Moshe some letters to stick, while i was holding him next to the window...he was all proud and kept saying "My turn, my turn!".
Then we put a special menorah sticker on the other window, and it's supposed to stay "glued" with statics, but i noticed that it's already partially detached...
After this, we moved to the "Shabbat Room" which is also our dining room, and we hung some Channuka symbols on the wall, and a nice decoration on top of the door...the apartment looks more heimish now, and the kids are happy!
Another think that we are working on is two channukiot for David and Simcha, i shaped them from Das, and now we are waiting for them to dry so that the kids can paint them and decorate them...will post pictures when they are finished!
I also made my first robe, black with a red zipper and 3/4 sleeves: i am very proud of my job, because it looks pretty professional, and because i really needed something comfortable to wear in the house, something that doesn't look like a bag or a tent :)
Her is the picture:


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