It's the little things...

We have just had lunch, and it was yummy!
I know i sound overexcited, but whenever we eat something "special" i really enjoy it, i feel like a jewish Julia Child...
So here is what we had: mini sausages with potato puree, fried onion rings and cucumbers with apple vinegar...
The mini sausages had been brought to us by our good friends Dina and Baruch Shalom, that came to visit us for Sukkot all the way from Bielorussia: we eat only Lubavitch shechita, so it's nearly impossible to find sausage or hot dogs or salami in Italy...and that's why it the meal was so special!
I realize that if i would live in a place with a lot of kosher food available i wouldn't appreciate it as much...
It reminds me of when i was in University in Venice and i had just started eating kosher, and the only kosher store available at the time in Italy was closed at the time for summer vacations, so me and i friend of mine would make some weird concoctions with flour, eggs (raw :O ), cocoa powder, nuts and oil to be able to have some kind of dessert...and to us it tasted soooo good! Or that log of cheese that lasted us months because we would only eat one thin slice at the time...
Sometimes i would like to have more ingredients available, to experiment with more recipes without having to twist and turn to find suitable substitutes, but i know that in a way the fact that i am the only kosher cook and baker in the whole south of Italy is a big incentive for me to be cooking is like an art!


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