Happy 3rd Birthday Moshe Luca!

I am watching him sleeping now, and i am amazed by the fact that our third son is already 3 years old...i still remember when i gave birth that Shabbat right before Pesach!
I came home after 18 hours in the hospital, ready for the first Seder :)
This afternoon we will do his upshernish, or first haircut, and i am ready to see him in his new dimension, a big boy with a kippa and tzitzit...he is not a baby anymore, he started to talk and he is not tantruming as much as he used to (Yosef is taking his place now).
For the rest, tonight is Pesach, i still have to start cooking, but hopefully the kids will play outside and let me work, and IYH everything will be ready by tonight...
Hag Pesach Kosher veSameach to all of you!


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