Work work work!

This morning i can barely keep my eyes open...last night i cooked until almost 2 am, then i woke up at 7 to continue, and now...zzzzzz i am  sleepy and the day hasn't started yet!
Anyway, i am very thankful to G-d for this catering order that we got, it's gonna be our rent money for next month, so i can't complain! I wish i had every week this kind of orders!!!!
But i really understand how people that were tortured and were not allowed to fall asleep felt...i remember when i read a book about an intellectual from the Former Soviet Union, where he would describe his days spent in a room of a Russian prison, with a few guys that would point a strong lamp straight to his eyes, so that he would not be able to fall asleep...trying to get out of him some information that he didn't know anyway...crazy stuff.


  1. SarahNurit i realy admire you, you are a hardworker..even when you are sleepy :) I wish you for every week this kind of orders, IY''H parnassa tovah. Lina Miriam

  2. Thank you my friend...:) kol ha mevarech mevorak :)


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